Place born
Organisation / Person

Walker, John

1781 - 1859

Stephenson, George

1781 - 1848

1755-1843, homeopathist physician, German

Hahnemann, Samuel

1755 - 1843

1771-1833, mining engineer, English; British

Trevithick, Richard

1771 - 1833

1771-1831, mechanical engineer, tool maker & inventor; patentee English; British

Maudslay, Henry

1771 - 1831

1754-1814, wax modeller, Italian

Susini, Clemente

1754 - 1814

Brunel, Marc Isambard

1769 - 1849

Trevithick, Richard

1771 - 1833

Cayley, George

1773 - 1857

1779-1843, designer; steam locomotive maker, British

Hedley, William

1779 - 1843

Davy, Humphry

1778 - 1829

1764-1834, active 1791-1830, publisher, London, England

Ackermann and Company

1764 - 1834

active 1806-1861, scientific instrument maker, British; English

Jones, Thomas

1775 - 1852

Dalton, John

1766 - 1844

1766-1844, chemist; natural philosopher, English; British

Dalton, John

1766 - 1844

Rastrick, John Urpeth

1780 - 1856

1771-1802, physician; anatomist; physiologist, French

Bichat, Marie Francois Xavier

1771 - 1802

active 1789-1825, optician nautical instrument and telescope maker, English; British

Cary, William

1759 - 1825

1772-1864, manufacturing chemist; meteorologist, British

Howard, Luke

1772 - 1864

active 1808-1847, compass maker; optician & mathematical, philosophical instrument maker, London, England, British

Bate, Robert Brettell

1782 - 1847

Farish, William

1759 - 1837

Brunton, William

1777 - 1851

Reynolds, William

1758 - 1803

1781-1873, instrument maker; artist; optical inventor, English; British

Varley, Cornelius

1781 - 1873

active about 1750-1970s, brand name, Lambeth, London, England



active 1780-current (2009), boiled sweet manufacturer, England

Smith Kendon Ltd.


Wollaston, William Hyde

1766 - 1828

1785-1861, engineer; millwright, English; British

Cubitt, Sir William

1785 - 1861

Clement, Joseph

1779 - 1844

active, 1812-1856, optical, mathematical, philosophical & nautical inst. maker & optician, British

Newman, John Frederick

1783 - 1860

1777-1846, phrenologist, British

DeVille, James

1777 - 1846

Pease, Edward

1767 - 1858

active 1788-1817, mathematical, philosophical (globes) & optical instrument maker, English; British

Adams, Dudley

1760 - 1830

1754-1839, engineer; inventor, British; Scottish

Murdock, William

1754 - 1839

c 1775-1848, toy and camera manufacturer, cabinet maker, Paris, France

Giroux, Alphonse

1775 - 1848

1785-1870, inventor; mathematician, French

Thomas, Charles Xavier

1785 - 1870

1756-1965, optical company, manufacturer of optical instruments & photographic lenses, Vienna



Gilbert, Davies

1767 - 1839

Vivian, Andrew

1759 - 1842

1759-1806, clerk; aeronaut; balloonist, Italian

Lunardi, Vincenzo

1759 - 1806

1777-1804, geologist, mineralogist, British

Watt, Gregory

1777 - 1804

Wollaston, George Hyde

1761 - 1841

Goodrich, Simon

1773 - 1847

1778-1829, chemist; inventor; lecturer, British; English

Davy, Sir Humphry

1778 - 1829

active early 1800s, die-engraver; manufacturer of buttons; manufacturer of medals; manufacturer of tokens; medallist, British

Halliday, Thomas

1780 - 1855

Ackermann, Rudolph

1764 - 1834

active 1820-1852, optician; optical, mathematical, astronomical & philosophical instrument maker

Dollond, George

1774 - 1852

1781-1848, colliery engineer; railway engineer, English; British

Stephenson, George

1781 - 1848

1780-1860, artist; portrait painter; painter; illustrator, Swiss

Chalon, Alfred Edward

1780 - 1860

active 1805-1845, optician, nautical instrument maker, Portsmouth, English

Stebbing, George

1775 - 1847